Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been attacked. Miscreants entered his house late at night and stabbed the actor. Saif has been admitted to the hospital with injuries. Various Indian media outlets have confirmed the news, citing PTI.
It is learnt that a group of miscreants entered Saif's Bandra house at midnight on Wednesday. At that time, everyone in the house was sleeping. The miscreants stabbed Saif several times and fled. The actor was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai in a bloody state. He is undergoing treatment there.
Saif lives in Mumbai's Bandra West with his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and two sons Taimur and Zaharie. Mumbai Police said the incident took place at around 2:30 am yesterday. One or more unidentified persons entered the actor's house and threatened the housekeepers. When Saif went there, he was attacked.
Lilavati Hospital CEO Neeraj Uttmani told the Indian media Hindustan Times, "Saif was brought to Lilavati at around 3:30 am last night. He has six injuries on his body, two of which are quite deep. One injury is near his spine. We are operating on him. Neurosurgeon Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Leena Jain and anaesthetist Nisha Gandhi are operating on him. Details will be shared only after the surgery."
Initially, Bollywood star Kareena and other family members are reported to be safe. Police are not yet sure if it was a simple robbery or an attack for some other reason.