Beta Edition

Sunday, 24 Nov 2024

Areas of the country likely to be hit by cyclone 'Dana'

Staff Correspondent, Dhaka
Published: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 12:09 PM
Areas of the country likely to be hit by cyclone 'Dana'

The deep depression over the east-central Bay of Bengal and adjoining areas has moved further west-northwestward and intensified into a cyclone. Due to this, the Meteorological Office has asked to display remote warning signal number two in all the seaports of the country. As a result of the cyclone, the black clouds have started to accumulate somewhere along the coast of the country.

It is reported that the cyclone may cross the coast of West Bengal and Orissa in India. It is expected to be a severe cyclone though not very strong.

Meteorologists and climate experts said that the impact of the cyclone may be less in Bangladesh as the front of the cyclone is likely to cross the coast of India. But if it hits, it can go over the coastal region of Bangladesh.

When asked about this, meteorologist Shahinul Islam told that it actually depends on which direction the cyclone will go. So far, it is seen that the center of the cyclone will pass between Odisha and West Bengal. A cyclone essentially spreads its energy around itself. If it has an impact of 500 km on its right side, it can hit our Khulna, Barisal and Chittagong regions. If the center of the cyclone moves towards Odisha then it will affect only Khulna and Barisal regions.

When asked about the strength of the cyclone, he said, I hope it will be normal. If most of the cyclone is towards Odisha then there will be less impact on our country. Again, if it is towards West Bengal, it will be a little more. It will be understood when a cyclone occurs. It is thought to be somewhat similar to Amphan.

Weather and climate change researcher Mustafa Kamal said that the cyclone will hit the coast of West Bengal state of India, but its impact will be good on the coastal districts of Khulna and Barisal divisions.

Meteorologist Jebunnesha told that this time the cyclone will pass through West Bengal or Orissa in India. However, even when approaching, the course may change at times. But Khulna and Barisal may have more impact. But so far we see less risk of damage. Its strength will be understood on Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

According to the Meteorological Office, there may be more or less rain across the country till next Friday due to the impact of the cyclone.


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চিকিৎসকদের নিবিড় পর্যবেক্ষণে খালেদা জিয়া

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