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Sunday, 24 Nov 2024

US and Britain continue attacks on Yemen

News Desk
Published: Sunday, October 27, 2024 06:18 AM
US and Britain continue attacks on Yemen

The American and British warplanes struck two times al-Hudaydah airport in the west of Yemen. According to Pars Today, no report has been released on the likely damages and casualties of the attacks yet.

Different regions of Yemen, especially in the western al-Hudaydah province have been the target of the US and British invading attacks for the past months.

These attacks are being launched in a bid to pressure Yemen to stop the maritime operation and siege imposed on the Zionist regime.

The Yemeni army, enforcing maritime siege on the Zionist regime, has launched attacks against the Israeli military goals with the aim of support for the resistance of the innocent Palestinian nation in the Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni military forces are committed to continue their attacks against the territories occupied by Israel till the Zionist regime stops attacking Gaza.

Emboldened with the all-out support of the Western countries, the criminal Israeli regime has launched a new round of broad carnage in the Gaza Strip against the defenseless Palestinian people since October 7, 2023. According to the latest reports, the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza have resulted in martyrdom of nearly 43 thousand Palestinians and injury of over 100 thousand others.

Pars Today/MM

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কুমিল্লায় সাদেক হত্যা মামলায় সাতজনের মৃত্যুদণ্ড, যাবজ্জীবন ৭

কুমিল্লায় সাদেক হত্যা মামলায় সাতজনের মৃত্যুদণ্ড, যাবজ্জীবন ৭

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