The Indian's police have arrested 7 Indian citizens in connection with the attack on the Assistant High Commission of Bangladesh located in Agartala, the capital of India's northeastern state of Tripura.
Besides, three police officers have been dismissed due to neglect of duty during the attack on the High Commission. During the attack on the Assistant High Commission of Bangladesh in Agartala, radical Hindutva vandalized and tore down the national flag of Bangladesh.
In a report on Tuesday (December 3), the Indian media India Today NE reported this information.
Reportedly, the Tripura Police has dismissed three of its sub-inspectors and withdrawn a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DYSP) from the Police Headquarters for dereliction of duty in connection with the attack by extremist Hindutva on the premises of the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala and desecration of the neighboring country's national flag.
Besides, seven Indians have been arrested for their involvement in the attack.
Basically, a massive protest was organized in front of the Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala on Monday, including a sit-in program. Meanwhile, the protestors ran rampant there in the name of condemning the alleged persecution of the Hindu minority in Bangladesh and demanding the release of ISKCON member Chinmoy Krishna Das Prabhu.
Officials of the Assistant High Commission of Bangladesh in Agartala said that the vandalism and tearing of the flag of the High Commission office took place during the attack and violence under the banner of an organization called Hindu Sanchash Samiti.