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Sunday, 24 Nov 2024

Australia can give weapons to Israel!

News Desk
Published: Monday, October 21, 2024 01:12 AM
Australia can give weapons to Israel!

Australia can give weapons to Israel. On Saturday (October 19), the British media Guardian reported this information from the source of the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the report, Australia was supposed to give 66 more military weapons to Israel before the ongoing Gaza war started. The country is now reviewing their export. The Department of Defense is reviewing licenses on a case-by-case basis. In this case, international human rights law is protected.

Originally the Australian Center for International Justice made a plea to Defense Minister Richard Marles in April. There, they called for the cancellation of arms exports to countries including Tel Aviv that could reach Israel if they export weapons. It was then that the Defense Department brought forward the review of the matter.

Canberra has repeatedly said it has not supplied arms or ammunition to Israel since the war began. They still maintain that position.

The government has, however, been criticized for failing to be transparent about what each permit covers. Canberra has also secured its parts supply in the global supply chain for the F-35 fighter aircraft.

Israel used F-35 fighter jets in Gaza. As a result, more than 42,000 Palestinians were killed there. The Gaza Strip has been reduced to rubble.


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